Receive Direct Access to Susan and Other Elite Trainers and Take Your Dog Training to the Next Level

Watch Susan's message in the video below before joining us in IC Peeps.

Become a VIP Inner Circle Member Today


  • To surround yourself with like minded people dedicated to their passion for dogs and dog training and continual learning.
  • To meet online with Susan MONTHLY! Live Online Coaching Sessions dig deep into the nuances of Susan’s dog training methodology and the science of positive choice based training... and much more.
  • Access to our EXTENSIVE Library. 9 Years of past coaching calls, including MP3 recordings! Hundreds of hours filled with training gems to inspire you.
  • SURPRISE Bonuses... like recorded chats with Bob Bailey, Jean Donaldson, Steve White, Simon Prins...
  • A VIP invite to our LIVE "Inner Circle" event and Video Archives of previous IC Peeps Live Sessions!
  • Support from a peer group of like minded dog lovers. The uniting factor of our Inner Circle is that each member wants to invest in themselves and their dogs by continuously growing as dog owners and trainers.
  • A year of inspiration for a life with dogs that is one of your dreams!

Watch REAL STORIES from our AMAZING IC Peeps

Here's what you get As an Inner Circle Member!

Immediate Access to the "Inner Circle Connection"

This is the go-to place for all of the secret advanced level knowledge. The community here is on fire and led by Susan, all supporting each other to higher and higher understanding and skills.

This is a special website just for our Inner Circle (you guys!), where there is a masterclass with Susan and Lynda each and every month. 

Join our exclusive group of committed dog lovers where we dig deeper into
dog training challenges, and training your dog in "Do-Land".

Surround yourself with a like-minded peer group of dog trainers whose dedication
and views on positive dog training align with yours! 

Access to our Inner Circle Library

Decades of experience handed to you in minutes. Inside this library you will find the answers to your most pressing dog training situations and learn how the best of the best handles them.

Have you ever wondered “what would Susan Garrett do?”. Our library is archived with video and MP3 recordings of our Inner Circle "Live Online Learning Sessions" going back to 2011!

There are hundreds of hours with Susan and Lynda sharing their dog training knowledge in these previous sessions to enhance your learning! No where else is there such intimate access to Susan’s dog training genius, in such depth, as in this growing library.

VIP Invite to our "Inner Circle" Live Event!

This is where we get even more personal. Live, in person and gaining knowledge and relationships for life! IC Peeps Live is held at Say Yes Headquarters in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, and is included with your membership.

This is one of the best dog training events of the year, designed specifically for the needs of our Inner Circle members. This two-day event is full of dog training gems that you can only get in our Inner Circle.

You'll get access to the video of the session when it's over, as well as videos from the previous IC Peeps Live Sessions!

Intimate, VIP access to Susan Garrett and Lynda Orton-Hill

Never stuck is our motto. We help you move forward no matter what you feel might be in your way. We get it solved together!

We do, after all, think of you as our family.

We are your dog training coaches for the next year... through our live group coaching sessions and the amazing interaction of our IC Community, you are never alone in any dog training struggle.

Access To Exclusive Interviews With Guest Dog Trainers

Not only are you getting Susan as your personal coach, you will also be getting advice from other high profile experts such as Bob Bailey, Steve White, Jean Donaldson, Simon Prins and others who excel in their fields.

Meet us live Online once a month!

In the convenience of your own home, join us online via the power of the internet in a group online meeting. We chat, get to know each other and most importantly, everyone goes to the next level together.

Stay on track with your training goals by meeting once a month in our interactive Live Online Coaching Sessions!

These are masterclasses where we dig deep into the nuances of dog training, and the "ah ha" moments really happen!

Take on our training challenge each month to grow your dog training!


You are eligible to earn CCPDT and IAABC CEU through IC Peeps. Continuing Education Units (CEU) are required for the re-certification of all Certified Professional Dog Trainers and Behaviourists, through the Certification Council for Professional Dog Trainers (CCPDT). CEU are also provided for members of the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants (IAABC).


  • 30 CEU for CBCC-KA Certified Behaviour Consultant Canine - Knowledge Assessed
  • 20 CEU for CPDT-KA Certified Professional Dog Trainer - Knowledge Assessed


  • Approved for 20 CEU.

Yes! Take me to the next level in my dog training as an IC Peep!

Select an Option for Instant Inner Circle Access!

(Save $185.00 USD with a Single Investment)

Inner Circle Membership
Single Investment

Single Investment Of

$3997 USD

12 Months Membership as an Inner Circle Peep

Intimate access to Susan Garrett
and Lynda Orton-Hill

Access to the Inner Circle Library and
hundreds of hours of past coaching calls

VIP Invite to our IC Peeps Live! Event

Monthly Live Online Coaching Sessions

Inner Circle Facebook Group and Community

Inner Circle Membership
6 Installment Plan

Six Installments Of

$697 USD

(one per month over six months)

12 Months Membership as an Inner Circle Peep

Intimate access to Susan Garrett
and Lynda Orton-Hill

Access to the Inner Circle Library and
hundreds of hours of past coaching calls

VIP Invite to our IC Peeps Live! Event

Monthly Live Online Coaching Sessions

Inner Circle Facebook Group and Community

All transactions are in U.S. Dollars


Would you like to know more? Contact us at [email protected] with your questions and include your phone number. We will happily share all we know and love about IC Peeps with you!

Visit our Most Popular Questions section below to learn more about Susan's Inner Circle.

Here's What Our IC Peeps Say

The volume of information in the coaching call library alone is priceless! Susan’s vision for her IC Peeps is to make us better dog trainers instead of giving a series of cookie cutter approaches to specific skills! Susan and Lynda teach the science and inspire the art of animal behavior so that we can solve our own training puzzles! They share their knowledge, evolution of that knowledge, and struggles to apply it so that we can be better faster!

Jenny, Texas, USA

IC Peeps is like a suped-up international dog training club. Susan and Lynda are the gurus always challenging and inspiring us. AMAZING resources and there is always something new to be learned and refined. You start seeing dog training through Say Yes eyes:) Always on the look out for choices. Always looking to control reinforcement to support good choices and limit opportunities for poor responses. A life of greater clarity and confidence for me and my dog. Never again blaming the dog! Seeing opportunities where before there were limitations. And an improved relationship which is best of all!

Ruth, Qld, Australia

IC Peeps has become more than I ever dreamed it would be. What I thought was just an extension of Recallers all those years ago so I could continue to building value for the games has become a pivotal point in my life, not only in becoming a better dog trainer but a kinder and more rewarding person to people around me... The learning curve I have been on since joining IC Peeps is priceless. No words can describe the “where I was to where I am now” and it only continues to get better!

Suzanne, Florida, USA

For me, IC Peeps is the recipe to the Secret Sauce of Say Yes. The online courses have shown me how to DO training better. Going a big step further, IC Peeps has taught me to BE a better trainer. The IC Peeps experience continually inspires and educates me to see the dog/trainer relationship with more informed eyes and to address training goals with more, and more skilfully handled, training tools. It is truly addicting in its effectiveness. And it is incredibly FUN!

Kristi, Iowa, USA

IC Peeps has been a lifeline for me since its inception. When I moved to New Zealand from the USA I felt quite isolated and struggled to stay in touch with dog training evolution. It was also sometimes hard to find the motivation to keep pushing myself as I was training alone as there were no instructors here in New Zealand. IC Peeps has changed that, I may be 1,000s of kilometres away from Say Yes but I am now able to stay in touch with the community and grow as a dog trainer. The wealth of information in IC Peeps is just incredible, monthly coaching calls and challenges that always inspire and push me and the support from the community is second to none.

Charlotte, New Zealand

IC Peeps are my “go-to” group whether I have a training question or I just need some inspiration via reading what others are working on. The Coaching Calls are a hi-light of every month, always full of training gems. They have become my “me time”! IC Peeps are willing to share in everyone’s struggles and celebrate the successes. The friendships forged in ICP are special because they aren’t just built from being in the same training class, in the casual passing of a weekend event or in the convenience of the moment. They are built out of a community that shares a strong belief in joyful training, in growing our knowledge and understanding of dog training and in doing what is truly best for our dogs.

Krista, Maryland, USA

Your Most Popular Questions Answered Below

Is the Inner Circle for me? 

What is the difference between Recallers and the Inner Circle?

How long do I have to decide if I want join the Inner Circle?

Is the Inner Circle an online classroom?

Will this be too advanced for me?

How much time do I need to commit to the Inner Circle membership?

Do I get access to the entire program all at once?

What if I'm not ready now? Can I join in a few months?

Will I get one-on-one coaching or feedback from Susan?

Why is this program in US funds?

What is the frequency of the 6 Installment Plan?

How long do I have access to Inner Circle Membership?

I'd love to join but have more questions, can I talk to you? 

A Personal Message From Susan

My mission in life is to have dogs worldwide be better understood by their owners. I also want owners to better understand how to effectively get their dog to do exactly as they want without the use of physical corrections or mental intimidation.

Our Inner Circle community takes the foundation of positive game based dog training one step further, deep diving into the nuances of training and living with dogs, and life in general.

The Inner Circle is a mastermind community that cultivates a learning environment that allows us all to share our strengths and weaknesses so we may grow as dog trainers and personally. We have an amazing group of trainers of all levels, all who share dog training experiences. 

I have been a member of masterminds most of my adult life and have seen the transformational benefits of surrounding myself with a community of people seeking to learn at a higher level.

Those benefits are what inspired me to start the Inner Circle more than 9 years ago. I am very protective of this group. Applications for the Inner Circle have always come from our Recallers program and places are very limited. Opening it to the world is an amazing opportunity. 

My vision when I put together our Inner Circle was to provide a home base for like minded dog trainers to grow. Inner Circle membership is exclusive access into not only the "HOW" of my dog training and life with my dogs, but the "WHY" as well.

I can’t say enough about our dynamic and brilliant community of like minded trainers with a common vision of learning more together.

I just LOVE my Inner Circle community. 

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